Friday, April 01, 2005

Forwards and Christianity

Many a blog should be written over the ridiculousness and irrelevancy of email forwards. Email Forwards (or just 'forwords' for short) are utterly pointless and they actually cause me grief and much anxiety. I check my email. Ohhh! 14 unread in my inbox! (This makes me feel good about myself.) And then the bulk of the list begins with FW:. I go through them and erase them all immediately. Who honestly writes these things? Why do we feel compelled to forward them on?

The worst forwards are those that pertain to Christianity or some sort of spiritual optimism. I take that back. I have never really read a "Christian" forward. Most of these forwards are Deistic or Gnostic or Eastern in content and cloaked with Christian language.

For example, I recently read one of the forwards I was sent titled "A Blessed Prayer." It basically went like this: I asked God to change me, He said, "No, that is for you to do." I asked God for spiritual growth, He said, "No, you must grow yourself, but I will do some pruning along the way." I asked God for healing, He said, "No, the body is temporary."

How is this a blessed prayer? The one praying is basically told by God, change yourself, heal yourself, fix yourself, grow yourself, make yourself alive, etc. Forwards such as these do violence to Biblical Christianity and to the God that is. God NEVER sits around idle and disconnected from people and demands them to save themselves. If this were the case, we would all be screwed.

All Forwards should be banned. But especially Christian ones. (Forward this to 15 people if you love Jesus. If you don't, you might be responsible for someone going to hell.)

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