Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Poison Eye Vee Three Vee

Day 7 with the plague. This is sort of what my face used to look like. Except imagine only one of my eyes looking like this guy's left eye. Mutant is the only word that comes to mind. It is looking a bit better. The large puss-filled bubbles seem to be deflating a bit. The bright redness isn't as sharp to the eye. Or maybe perhaps I am just getting used to it. I am running out of medicine though. So this thing better clear up soon.

Poison Ivy makes your skin tough and leathery. Does that go away when the rash does? I want my body to be back to normal, you know, smooth and silky like. I don't like this tough, bubbly, red, leather parasite that covers me. There is more red bumpy spots on me than there is skin. If you skinned me and laid out all of my skin, separating the infected areas from the healthy areas, the infected pile would be much larger. I'd like to go through with the skinning and the separating. That sort of reminds me of Silence of the Lambs. The antagonist makes a skin suit from the remains of his murder victims. I bet he would be frustrated if his skin suit had poison ivy all over it. I wouldn't wear it if that were the case. The lambs would indeed be silent.

I must admit, I was dishonest with my last post. I wrote about how it was "my" idea to write a series on my ongoing experience with the poison ivy plague. This was not the case. There was nothing "my" about it. The idea originated with one of my friends/students here named Eric Bellard. Perhaps you know him. If you don't, you should. This paragraph was intended to give credit where credit is due. Credit is due to Eric Bellard. Not "my."

So I went to the doctor last week. I'm in the back, sitting on the little bed-like thing with the paper. The nurse comes in and does her thing. Checks my pulse. Blood pressure stuff. Then she sits down and asks me some questions as she writes it on her little form there.

"Are you currently taking any medication."


"Let's see, I have you down as taking an inhaler for your asthma. You using that?"

"As needed."

"Are you allergic to anything?"

She asked if I was allergic to anything. My entire body looks like it vomited up on itself. My eye looks like I got pelted with a bean bag, that is, a heavy bag of beans.

"Yes, I'm allergic to poison ivy."


Anonymous said...

Poison ivy is not actually ivy. It may be poisonous. I'll give it that. But it is not ivinous. There is nothing ivy about it. It is more like "poison plant." Much better description. Much better. Much more accurate. Much more muchy.

corbs said...

actually, its a misspelling. It should be called poison IV. You know, like the IV that you get at the doctors office. what really happened to matt is that he got some bad drugs(probably crack) in his latest 'IV' and sensing that he was going to have a reaction, he thought be better form an alliby so that he could keep his job as a professional Christian. i've seen it a thousand times