Friday, December 02, 2005

More Musings on the Homeless

Yesterday I got approached by a 'homeless' man who was smoking a cigarette and looking for any spare change I had. Here's my question - should I give money to someone who has more jewelry on than me?

On another note - when I was in Memphis for Thanksgiving, Kathryn and I got approached by a large, large man who said he was looking for spare change to catch a train back to Phoenix. He was large. And this is how he began his request - "You're a Christian, right?" Very sneaky Mr. Large Homeless Man. I love it when they immediately manipulate you by tinkering with your conscience. Then he went on to say that he hasn't 1) eaten in 10 days; 2) just had heart surgery; 3) can't walk good because of a busted foot (he pointed to his shoe at this point); 4) he needed to go back to Phoenix to help people out there; 5) he has walked across town through the blistering cold; and my personal favorite, 6) I'm not on drugs.

Having just heard that the man hasn't eaten in 10 days, I kindly offered if he wanted to go across the street to get some food at a restaurant. He said, "No, they want me to have cash." I asked, "Who are 'they'?" He replied that 'they' were the Greyhound people. They wanted him to have money so that he could eat for the next few days. Hmmm. Does this story even make sense.

Again I offered, "Hey, if you haven't eaten in 10 days, I will gladly buy you some food, but I am not going to give you money." He didn't like this. He accused me of not "believing him" and not "listening to what he was saying." I said, "Hey man, I hear what you are saying. I am offering you food. I am offering to meet one of your needs. You, the stuff you haven't had any of in 10 days." He walked away frustrated. I walked away frustrated.

My feelings toward the homeless fluxuate each day. Sometimes I walk away heart broken and eager to help, eager to give, eager to bring them into my home and prepare them dinner and have them sit at my table. And other times I feel so scandalized, so manipulated by their petty, transparent lies that I leave my encounters with them hardened and irritated. Can someone help me sort out these feelings?


Anonymous said...

Nope. You're just a mean bastard.

Anonymous said...

I once had a guy approach me with a fairly similar story in Albertson's. I ended up helping him out with various things for the whole weekend, and got him to meet Dan Stuart and everything. I did give him some money, not a lot but some. Maybe he was scamming me, but if so it cost him long enough to do it he wasn't pulling minimum wage. Generally speaking though, I think if people really want help they can get it, and when you offer they'll take it. Hope all is well down at LSU.

clinicole said...

The trick is in making the person earn what you are to give them. For instance, I oft challenge the gutterpups to a rousing match of wrestling or perhaps a foot race. The few who rise to the challenge are rewared handsomely and simultaneously taste an earned wage--whether they overpower me or not.

Unfortunately, most of the derelicts refuse from the get. In which case, I promptly make my way to the nearest fast food establishment and order a tender crips bacon cheddar ranch burger [or something of the sort] to go. I return to the hobo and spend the next several minutes informing passers-by that this shabbily-clothed--but kindly--man is offering to give you this tasty tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch.

Eventually, the vagabond caves and requests I grant him the tender crisp bacon cheddar ranch. At which point, I finger his selfishness and ask of him,"Art thou no Christian?"

Then I give him the burger.