Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Moon is Undone

I think blogging has already gone out of style (fashion). I remember back in the day (2007) when blogging was all the rage. Everyone wanted one. Everyone had one. Everyone wrote constantly. Everyone read constantly. I think we overdid it. Because now everyone is simply exhausted and no one cares about blogs anymore.

Blogs are dropping off the cyberspace universe. People have quit writing. People have quit reading. It is already an outdated form of media/self-expression. You wait. Within one year, blogs will have been replaced by something else. What it is, I couldn't tell you. But blogs are on the way out. They are going out as quickly as they came in.

[Excursus: I'm surprised CDs have hung on as long as they have. I expected iPods and what not to completely make this primitive form of digital entertainment obsolete. But no. They are still around. They aren't the powerhouse they were. But they are still some sort of house. Maybe a duplex of sorts.]

I wonder if there will be some type of blog Renaissance. I can see it now - a mass flooding of people back to the Net-O-Inter, just to document their thoughts for the world to see. And there will be an equally ambitious movement of people rising from the darkness who are eager to read about these irrelevant thoughts people are publicly documenting. It will be great. People will spend hours on end reading and writing. Literacy rates will increase. Some blogs may make it big (stuff white people like). Others will collapse into oblivion (Corbin).

Others will putter along (mine).


Anonymous said...

Please don't stop blogging!

Annie Petzinger

Anonymous said...

I think one day USB flash drives could replace CDs and DVDs. Just think about it, you plug the USB in and hit play. They'll put special coding in so you can't copy it as freely. The won't take up as much space. And you'll never have to worry about them getting scratch and not working.