Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Randomology #643-648

New design for a new "me." I'm calling this my Fiona Apple stage. It's the new me. I'm Fiona Apple.


I just finished a bottle of shampoo. I have no idea how long this bottle has lasted me, but I want to guess that it was in the measurement of years. And don't get me wrong, I do bathe (contrary to popular belief). I must have gotten thousands of uses out of this lone bottle. I started another bottle last night. I told Kathryn that I am going to keep a running tally to see how long this one will last. So far: 1 use.


How come people put mustard on sandwiches AND hamburgers, but they only put ketchup on burgers? Why doesn't ketchup carry over into the sandwich category like mustard does?


iPod. iTunes. iLife. iRaq?


This morning Kathryn had to use the scrapey thing on her car to remove ice from her wind shield. Good grief, it is getting cold here. This certainly isn't Louisiana.

1 comment:

Clint said...

for the record, i prefer non-ketchup substances on my burgers. i like the mayonnaise.

sonic burgers are best and oft served with mustard.