Saturday, April 30, 2005

Marathons and Tarragons

A tarragon is an Old World wormwood whose fragrant leaves are used for seasoning, especially in vinegar. This has nothing to do with my post. It simply rhymes with marathon.

Ahh, the marathon. I’ll be honest. I do not understand these things. Why would any rational human being participate in one? For heaven’s sake, it is 26 freaking miles. That seems a bit excessive. And furthermore, they make you pay money to run them.

Who needs to run that bad? Seriously. Who wakes up and thinks, “Today I’m going to run. Far. Really far. The farthest I’ve ever run. I won’t run around the block or on a trail. I won’t run a mile or two. I won’t even run 10. That certainly won’t suffice my running appetite. No. I will run 26 miles. And I want to run so badly that I will even pay people to let me do it. I can easily run 26 miles on my own throughout my neighborhood or on the track, but that won’t do. I must give up my money to run the path that the Marathon Authorities have designated. I will give up my savings as well as my blood, sweat and tears. I will expend myself monetarily as well as physically. Yes, that is what I am going to do today. I will blow out my budget and my knees.” The sad thing is people not only actually think this, but carry out these thoughts. And when they get to the starting line, they discover that thousands of other people had the same insane idea.

Can you imagine running 26 miles without stopping? I can’t. The thought of running five seems unbearable. But 26?!? That is about four and a half hours of constantly running. Four and a half freaking hours. I can’t even SIT and watch a movie for four and a half hours, much less run. In fact, I can’t fathom doing anything other than sleeping for four and a half hours straight.

I played basketball growing up and so I have no category for running as entertainment. Running has always been a means to me, not an end. You ran to get from point A to point B. Point B was the goal, not the actual steps between the two. In fact, whenever the basketball team was being reprimanded or disciplined, the coach made us run. Running was the punishment. Of all the things that the coach could have chosen for us to do, why would he pick running? It is because he understands that this is a painful and exhausting exercise, one we would never voluntarily do on our own. And this is why marathons make no sense to me. In my mind, it is simply a four and a half hour voluntary punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.

So where are all these marathon runners the day after their triumph? Are they feeling victorious? Are they savoring their accomplishment? Are they feeling on top of the world? Maybe. But most likely they are feeling like complete crap, cursing their stubborn will and soaking in a bath to try and smooth out the unbearable stiffness that has consumed every muscle they possess like some strange premature rigormortis. And they gave up an afternoon of their life. And a pair of shoes. And they paid money to do it. Some marathons reward their runners with a T-shirt. That seems like a fair trade off.


OneoftheServens said...

I ran 13 two Sundays ago. And I played bball today at the Huff. What are you saying?

corbs said...

you better hope katrina doesn't see this post, she'll have your ass for sure. its also interesting that the mean age of the people I saw crossing the finish line, albeit after the 4hr mark, was about 40. a bunch of old people trying to achieve something in their lives...

Anonymous said...

OH MY GAA! That was, without fail, the FUNNIEST thing you have ever said. And you know me, Matt a.k.a. "Tripp," I have heard you say some darn funny things.

Like remember that time when you told me about one of your friends who POOPED in his SOCK! It wasn't that funny of a story but when YOU said it, it was really really funny.

You know, you have this way about you. And I totally love it.

Well, another rambling post by me. I guess I'll go and listen to "Herman." Man I love that song. Hey, can you send me the one about the "black chick?" Don't worry folks, it's not what you think. This guy, "Tripp", he does parity all the freakin' time!

And HE'S SO FUNNY! You gotta meet my friend, he's freakin' CRAZY!

Chow for now! "Hello! This is Toneeeeeeeee!"

Anonymous said...

How my heart aches now that you're gone!

Rains fall now, though once the sun shone.

Oft with me at table Matt was seated;

my heart was full then, but now it's depleted.

For Matt has moved on now, to Floridian sands,

While I remain here, to face the demands

Of tests to take and papers to write--

these things are somber, and lacking the bright-

ness of angelic Howell's fair face.

Not me, but "Anna" do you now embrace.

Not with me, but with interns do you alcohol drink,

Not with me, but min'sters do you on theology think.

Not with you, but with not-as-entertaining Keith,

Do I swim in fountains naked, in waters like Leth-

e; or would they were like Lethe below,

to make me forget this lonesome sorrow.