Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hankering: A Conversation

Gene: So I was thumbing my thumb drive the other day, and I had this odd hankering for some Mr. Pibb.

Oliver: Did you just say "hankering"?

Gene: Yeah, hankering. What's wrong with that?

Oliver: No one says that anymore.

Gene: I just did.

Oliver: Yeah, I know you just did....but I mean....other people. No other person says "hankering." Honest to goodness.

Gene: "Honest to goodness"? Now, seriously. Noooooobody says that anymore.

Oliver: You're just saying that to get me back for what I said about "hankering."

Gene: No, seriously. No one says "honest to goodness." I would have brought it up had you not even mentioned the "hankering" thing. Honest to goodness.

Oliver: How can someone "hanker" for something? Show me one example of hankering. You can't. I defy you to show me hankering. Bee tea dub, pass the oregano please.

Gene: "Oregano?" No one says that anymore. Who honestly says that?

Oliver: Why does no one like our conversations? I find them stimulating.

Gene: Good question....for once.

Oliver: Exactly.

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