Monday, September 15, 2008

Phone Ethics #2: A Conversation

Gene: So I was at home shaving my cat and using the fur to fuel my yuletide fire the other day, right?

Oliver: Right.

Gene: And out of nowhere, Rog knocks on my door.

Oliver: I thought it was pronounced: Rogg, with a hard "g," almost like "rock." Rogg.

Gene: No, it's a soft "g." Shhuh. Rahsh. "Raj." Like that. Rog.

OIiver: Are you sure? I once overheard Rogg introduce himself to someone and I'm pretty sure he pronounced it with a hard "g." Rogg.

Gene: What are you, serious? Rogg? No, it's short for Roger. Roge. Rahsh. Raj. Not Rogg.

Oliver: Call him.

Gene: You call him. I'm not going to call him.

Oliver: Fine. I'll call him.


Oliver: Hello, Rogg? Yeah, hey this is Oliver.....nothing....just sitting here chewing the birds with, I'm not going to Firma's party tonight, it sounded a bit lame to me, what with all the line dancing and dart throwing and fire eating and all.....oh yeah?......HA HA HA!!!!......that's hilarious......HA HA HA!!!!!! should totally tell her......uh huh..........uh way?!?!?............yeah..........ooooh good one!!!.........14?!?!?!?!?!?!? You are crazy, Rogg!!..........yeah.......nah.......uh huh.......Firma.......yeah, that's her name.........I'm serious........No, I'm with Gene here........No, not Geen, with a hard "g," it's more of a soft g "Schheen"......No, I'm serious......uh huh......ok, I'll ask him - Hey, Gene, is your name pronounced with a hard "g" or a soft "g"?

Gene: Hard.

Oliver: Really? Hey, Rogg, Gene says it's pronounced with a hard "g." What would that be? "Geen." Wow. I never knew that. Ok, keep going.....uh huh.....yeah... -

Geen: You know, I love sitting here listening to your conversation with Rogg. It's really how I wanted to spend my afternoon - sitting in silence, watching your expressions change with each new bit of unhearable dialogue. Yeah, I love that. I also love it when you laugh so boisterously loud that the people sitting next to us look over at me in annoyance. I love that too.

Oliver: Uh, hold on Rogg.....Hey, Geen, can you keep it down? I'm on the phone here.

Geen: Exactly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
