Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Christian Snobbery (and Hob Nobbery)

It has come to my attention that there are certain “snobberies” within the Christian community. Well, I suppose these snobberies would exist in any group of people, but the group I am most familiar with would be the Christian community. Snobberies…Little obsessive hobbies that we pride ourselves on and enjoy displaying our knowledge of. Whatever niche it may be, we hone in on it and feel good about putting other people down who are not quite as advanced in that subject as we are. A few examples:

Christian Beer Snob – These may be the most pervasive and the loudest of Christian snobs. For some reason they prefer the darker brews to the lighter. They hate anything domestic and even have nice little names of mockery for them (“Butt wiper” comes to mind for Budweiser). They hate macro-breweries. In fact, the only thing they really like is some weird, never-heard-of-it-before, Belgian and German dark brews that were produced in the basement of some monastery and come in larger, differently shaped bottles. These beers taste absolutely disgusting to the average beer consumer, but to their advanced and sophisticated tastes – it is the only real beer available. Everything else out there is a sell-out. Christian Wine Snobs and Christian Liquor Snobs could fit under this category as well, I suppose.

Christian Coffee Snob – These are less frequent than the beer snobs, but like them, they prefer their drink dark. Folgers, Maxwell House, and any homegrown, domestic, macro-produced, grocery-store-selling grounds are no good. They call that “brown colored water.” The real coffee has to be imported from some small, South American village where they privately grow their beans (organic, dark, bold, coffee beans). Depending on the degree of Coffee snobs – Starbucks is at worst Satan and at best tolerable. But most coffee snobs secretly like the coffee (they say that it is simply “ok”), they just hate the Starbucks culture. They would never order a frappuccino. The darker, the bolder, the better.

Christian Literature Snob – Don’t be confused, these people don’t prize themselves on “Christian literature,” no, no, they are Christians who happen to prize themselves on anything but Christian literature. They quote things from authors and books the average reader has never heard of and claim that these pieces of lit are the greatest things ever. And you have to read them. Ever tried reading one of these books that the Lit Snobs recommend? Try getting through the first 50 pages. They’re about as entertaining as watching dust collect. But they will assure you that it is the greatest piece of literature ever composed, touching the depths of human emotion (boredom).

Christian Music Snob – There are several different molds of the Music Snob. Some are Classical Rock Snobs and claim that the newer stuff can never compete with the old. Some are Indie Snobs, until the entire world went Indie and now they feel a bit insecure, hoping to find their identity in a different genre. Then you have the Real Music Snobs – people mentioning old school Jazz and country musicians from the 20s and 30s, people who only listen to vinyl, who have never even heard of Dave Matthews. These people scare me. There is a whole host of Music Snobs and they are by far the most predominant of the Christian community – there is a Snob for every conceivable genre and era.

Christian Movie Snob – These Snobs scoff at mainstream, blockbuster, Hollywood pictures. They prefer B films, no, C films. If it is foreign, it already has a head start against homegrown films. The more subtitles, the better. If it is black and white, even better. Does it have a never-heard-of-before foreign director? Now we are talking. The content should be abstract and confusing, looking absolutely meaningless and stupid to the average viewer, but to the Movie Snob, these movies far surpass anything else. They appreciate the lighting, the cinematography, the angles, the symbolism, and other ridiculous things that no one else pays attention to.

Christian Snobs are sort of like Christian Gnostics. Whatever field of expertise they camp on, they invest their heart and souls and discover the secret element that allows them to appreciate the thing more than your average, run of the mill consumer. They are the elite. They have the key to understanding. “Oh, you didn’t catch that can of peas on the table in the foreground, that was a symbolic foreshadowing of the protagonist’s plight against his childhood memories. Oh, that’s too bad you didn’t catch it. It really unlocks the story.” Or perhaps you’ve heard, “You don’t like that? You didn’t catch that peppery, almost cherry, hint on the back palate?”

I’m somewhat of a blend of all the above – too insecure to not want to be an expert in something and too lazy and scatterbrained to invest and commit to any one field. But I suppose if I had to choose, it would be the Coffee Snobbery. Hate that Starbucks (but secretly love it).

Which one are you?


corbs said...

was this a matt or kathryn piece?

Anonymous said...

a matthryn piece (minus the kathryn)

Jake said...

I'm a little late on the commenting but but now I'm worried, because I think I'm all of these. I really like Starbucks coffee and would prefer not to be seen there. Caribou's ok because they have lots of wood and flannel.

Anonymous said...

I once was mobbed by snobs while buying Back Tenders at Starbucks. They only carried these for a few days in the 80s, back when Starbucks was small, and I ate them up. They're really tender portions from the back (hic). I will confess to be a BackTender Snob. I only like the creamy ones. Snob. Lob. Lob the snob to the mob, Bob. Crickets.

Anonymous said...

LIfe is longer than staples.

Anonymous said...

Spanky jank.

Clint said...

What of the democro, po-mo snobs that, on one hand, claim that everyone is stuck sucking the teat of their favored hobby/field, while on the other hand, do not dish out the same for their own situation? The ones that claim they have a corner on the knowledge that no one else can have a corner lest they be elitist? Those who claim that everyone is relegated to a subjective tower, including themselves--only theirs has a slightly better (a bit more objective) view than the rest?

There are people who really enjoy doing certain, exact stuff. There are people that are really good and knowledgeable at certain, exact subjects. I am glad of it. I am glad there are specialists in various fields. I do not know everything, and I, thusly, do not know what is often best for me.

God forbid someone who has earned a degree in music suggest an album to me for a listen. How dare a connoisseur of beverages critique one in front of me. The audacity of a trained medical practitioner to prescribe medicine HE thinks is best for ME.

Finding salvation or the dominant aspect of your identity or fending off reality (i.e. other people and their issues/opinions/etc.) on account of your specialty is bogus. And I think that is what you are saying. And I will admit that I have done this and have the capacity to continue doing this.

Nonetheless, I truly enjoy film. I've seen a lot of it. I have actually studied it. I have even made it. I know a substantial bit about it. I have developed a taste for it. There are films that I like tremendously (for legitimate reasons) that are black & white and foreign (with subtitles).

Making fun of that fact or calling me a snob on account of it? Lame.

Unfortunately, it happens frequently.

So, let the people decide what songs should play on the radio. Don't let a professional disc jockey divvy out his selections over the masses. Have a machine that tallies the "51% wisdom" of the public be our disc jockey. Oh, that system is already well established and is largely why radio is notoriously terrible.