Tuesday, February 03, 2009

You Tell Me (Round One: Invitation)

Here at MattyMattSax Dot Blogspot, aka Matthryn, we are going to try something new. We are going to be innovative, edgy, fresh. We are going to be hip and relevant. We are going to be saucy and spicy. We are going to be liquidish and corporeal.

And here is what that entails:

You tell me.

Exactly. You make a comment on this (very) blog about a particular topic or observation in life that you find amusing. You merely state it in the indicative. No further decorative description is needed. What I mean is this: You state a naked observation and/or topic in the world.

For example, you could comment like this: "People getting too close to my buggy in the checkout line at the grocery store." Or another one might be: "Nose hair." Or perhaps another example could be: "Mustard vs. Mayo." That's it. Don't tell me what you think about this particular topic/observation. Don't vent. Don't spill anguish. Just comment. You tell me.

After a week of compiling these observations/topics, I will pick what I find to be the most "blog-worthy" and then fill you in on what I, yes I, think about it in a subsequent blog. (Does this sound selfish? Like I get to make up the rules to a game that only I can play? Yes, this sounds just like that.)

So....what do you think? You tell me.


Clint said...

david lee roth vs sammy hagar

Clint said...

jelly beans vs twizzlers
-this is nicole, not clint

keely said...

nicole vs. clint

keely said...

morning breath

Anna said...

The decision to grow out and maintain a comb over.

grain of S.A.L.T. said...

what your choice in soda pop says about you