Monday, December 15, 2008

An Inter-Planetary Copernican Revolution

Why does the stomach grumble (gurggle?) when it is hungry? No other body part that I can think of is audible when it is empty. It's not like the liver starts shrieking. It's not like the kidney hums. So why does the stomach grumble (grabble?)? Why this involuntary audio?

It's not like the bladder sizzles. And it's not like the gallbladder rumples. So why does the stomach grumble (gumple?)?

And why is there a bladder and a gallbladder? They couldn't name the gallbladder something original? They think that just by sticking the name "gall" in front of the pre-existing "bladder" that this was doing justice to the nomenclature of this organ. No sir. Not in my book. I think the gallbladder should have a completely unique identity apart from its connection to the bladder. And I think it should rumple when it is empty.

This goes back to my complaint about the naming of grapefruits. There is clearly already a grape...that is a fruit. So we couldn't come up with anything more original for grapefruits? There are really that many fruits out there that we totally exhausted every name available? We had to start dipping back and recycling old fruit names? No sir. Not in my book.

And it's not like the heart hisses. And it's not like the gallbladder waffles. So why does the stomach grumble (garble?)?

1 comment:

JLal said...

I think the grapefruit should be known as "Tardilla" from here on out.