Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A conversation written by my good friend Clint

Matt: Siguy! These tails de coque are to die for!

Drinkard: My parents reccomended the joint. They're paying for dinner, too... What do you mean by "to die for"?

M: Yeh... [nervous laughter] ...You already told me that your parents were paying for dinner.

D: Did I? ...huh... Anyways, what did you mean by "to die for"?

M: "By to die for?"

D: Si... "to die for".

M: Oh... just "to die for."

D: ...

M: Well... I mean that I would offer myself up as a propitiation for this beverage.

D: That means you would no longer be able to drink of the thing for which you perished.

M: [takes a drink of purple beverage] Right... it's that good. That's kinda the point of the phrase.

D: Well, that's ludicrous.

M: Was Christ's death ludicrous?

D: Are we gonna get all teleological now?

M: Do you mean theological?

D: That's what I said.

M: Oh...

D: ...

M: Hey... earlier when you were asking me what i meant by "by to die for," were you...

D: Just "to die for"---yeh.

N: ...Were you, uh, mentally placing the punctuation within the quotation marks or outside the quotation marks?

D: Outside.... Who's "N"?

M: I don't know what you're talking about, but you're supposed to put the punctuation within the quotation marks.

D: Sure... Who's "N?"

M: Do you mean where is IN the quotation marks?

D: No... For some reason, you were "N" a second ago--like, you WERE the letter "N."

M: Heh heh, well I'll always been with the IN crowd, boo-crunch.

D: [laughter]M: [laughter]

D: L-O-L

M: [more laughter]

D: [more laughter]

M: R-O-F-L!

D: [hysterical laughter]

M: [hysterical laughter]

D: [laughter]

M: [catches breath]

D: L-M-A-O!!!!

M: [takes a sip of purple beverage] What does THAT mean?

D: LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!!! [laughter]

M: [orange beverage projects from nostrils]


M: [sputtering]




corbs said...

dear matt,
that was really funny. even though i didn't know what you were talking about.

Anonymous said...

That really was about the funniest thing I have ever read! It was just so silly! Ha! Ha! I can't believe you are that creative? Where do you get this stuff from? I mean, honestly, how do you do it?! Ha!

keely said...

Are all your blogs going to be like this?