Thursday, May 07, 2009

Canker Sores

One a day for all of C-May...

Can there be any more mundane, boring and yet utterly annoying ailment as a canker sore? What in the world are these things anyway? They are white, super-sensitive, lumps that magically appear on the inside of your lips, cheek and mouth and torment you for the 2+ weeks they choose to stick around. Tomatoes are off limits. Orange juice is a no-go. Don't even think about brushing your teeth either. And then suddenly, as randomly as they arrived, they disappear.

Just like that.

It is the in-between-canker-sores that really mess with your mind. You get to thinking - will one pop up tomorrow, making that pizza lunch I had scheduled a disaster? They play mind games with you. They trick you into believing that they are just around the corner, so you brace yourself. And then nothing. And just when you least expect it...the inside of your lower lip gets blitzkrieged with one the size of a quarter. And you might as well just rule out Italian food for the month now.

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