Thursday, May 14, 2009

Craigslist: And Our Love/Hate Relationship

One a day for the entire month of May

Dear Craigslist,

I was attracted to you the first time I heard about you. I was informed about the ways that you work, the ways that you bring people together and enable us to get money from crap we don't want anymore. I thought this was an amazing idea. So I looked into you. I found your website. Sure, at first it seemed rather simple and quite outdated as far as layout and design, but I never like to judge books (or websites) by their covers (or designs). So I keep looking. And what I found, I loved.

I found myself rounding up crap around the house, taking pictures of it in flattering poses, and uploading the pics onto your website. I was overjoyed. I thought - someone is actually going to give me money for this stuff. That old TV = cash money. That old raggedy doll = vintage collector's item. That old electric razor = someone else's prized possession. I saw dollar signs on everything I owned. Surely, somebody would want to buy those dried out flowers. Surely, somebody wants to purchase my old Method Man CDs. I was excited.

But the excitement faded in time. I waited. And I waited. And so it seemed, nobody really wanted to buy my stuff after all. I guess people aren't interested in televisions, cds, and dog igloos. I guess people don't really want old muppet dolls.

And so I found myself hating you. You offered the world to me and let me down. Your promises were too large. Your eyes were bigger than your stomach.

Irascible Customer #524


Unknown said...

Muppet Dolls? I'm listening.

Anonymous said...

hahah kathryn loves dried out flowers!