Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Coffee, Camomile, and Crustaceans

one a day For all oF may

Coffee. Does coffee not work after a while? I had 3 cups of coffee yesterday and by 5 pm I was exhausted. Is something wrong with me or has my caffeine tolerance gotten so high that multiple cups of liquid-adrenaline can't touch me anymore? Or perhaps my tiredness is so strong that the coffee can't handle it? Or perhaps the coffee that I'm consuming isn't as strong as I think it is? I am glad to inform you of this though - despite coffee's recent caffeine deficiency, it's digestive effects are thoroughly consistent.

Camomile. I enjoy tea, one could say. One could also say that I don't enjoy tea. But they would be lying. The first person would be telling the truth. I enjoy tea. I go in and out of enjoyment phases though. So perhaps if the second person were to strategically say that I don't enjoy tea at the certain moment that I didn't like tea - then that would be true. If I am in a don't-like-tea-right-now phase and the second person said that I didn't like tea - he or she would be telling the truth. And the first person would be lying. But I was in a I-like-tea phase, which I am currently in, then it would be just the opposite. I'm glad we're all clear on that.

Crustaceans. I feel sorry for this type of aquatic animal. They have the word "crust" in their name. That just sounds gross. They are crusty. But I think a better adjective to describe them would be "crunchy." I think we should change their name to Crunchtaceans. That it more fitting and a bit more appetizing. I don't want crusty shrimp for dinner. But oh! Crunchy shrimp?!? Now we're talking.

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