Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ever Chagrinned?

One a day...

"Much to my chagrin." This sounds like a good thing. It involves grinning. But ahh...don't be confused. It is not "much to my grin" it is "much to my CHAgrin." And this changes the grin into...well....a chagrin...which is bad, apparently.

You don't see much of the "cha" prefix, that's for sure. I've heard of people being "pro" choice, but never "cha" choice. I've heard of someone being a "hyper" Calvinist, but never a "cha" Calvinist. I think we need to utilize the "cha" prefix a bit more than we do. For example, I'd be cha-The Jetsons. The Jetsons don't make me grin. They actually make me chagrin. I'm also cha-Alf. And cha-black licorice.

Grinning. You don't hear much about people grinning anymore either. It is usually described as "smiling." Honestly, when was the last time you used the word "grinning"? "Hey, look at that guy over there. The one who is grinning." This word seems to have fallen out of our daily vernacular (and everyday language). And it needs to be brought back in. Much like the "cha" prefix. I am cha-not-using-"grinning." But much to my chagrin, most people are cha-"grinning."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like this one. (grinning)