Saturday, May 17, 2008

M & Ms

Day a one for May of all...

No one knows what M & Ms stands for. I've asked around. All people can come up with is: "Mars." Oh, thanks. That's helpful people. What about the OTHER M??? It isn't just Ms. You aren't eating a handful of Ms (that do melt in your hand, and everyone knows it). You are eating M AND Ms. Two Ms. So what does it stand for?

I did some research. Apparently, the creators are Forrest Mars Sr. and F. Bruce Murrie. We all know about what happened to Murrie?

I did some more research. R. Bruce Murrie is the son of William Murrie - the unsung President of Hershey Chocolate Company. Hmmm. Mars and Hershey. The Chocolate Juggernauts. Two companies from originally one idea. I'd like to think the parting of ways originated from a massive chocolate battle - one enormous, cocoa-bean apocalyptic show down. The end result would be the creation of two companies and both Mars and Murrie would get a pie in the face.

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