Thursday, May 10, 2007

Double Digit May Day

One a day for all of May...

Congrats to Matt. We have moved from single digits to double digits. May 10. 10 whole days of May Madness. It only promises to get madder. To celebrate, I thought I'd brainstorm about other "doubles" I am fond of:

- Doublemint Gum (double the pleasure AND double the fun)
- Double Stuft Oreos (more is better right?)
- Double Dragon (best NES game invented...outside of Punchout and Mr. Coogie's Day at the Beach)
- Double Trouble (the handheld travel-game)
- Double Dare (the 80s Nickalodeon kids' game show where there was an enormous nose that the contestants had to comb their way through the snot (most likely 'gak') to find the desired flag)
- Double Monkey (the zoological medical/genetic condition where two monkeys are born stuck together)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This made me think of the doubles I have grown to love.

There's Double Jeopardy(either the second round of the game show or the movie with Ashley Judd)

Double Dribbling(a violation in basketball but ok in my book)

Double Dipping(a no-no in group settings but a yes-yes when you're alone)

Dubble Bubble(an average tasting gum but could produce some amazing bubbles)

And of course my favorite,

Double Vision(the mega-hit sung by Foreigner)