Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hot House, Cold Water

One a day for all of May...

The other day we couldn't help but notice that the house do you say....unbearably hot. The AC had been "running" while we had stepped outside for a bit, but it turns out that it was really only "blowing" sticky, hot air throughout our apartment. We called the maintenance dude out to fix it. After tinkering with it for 30 minutes or so, he apologetically informed us that there was no hope for our AC unit and it would have to be replaced....which would take a few days. Ok, fine. There is nothing you can do. We will wait in the Amazon-like swamp land of our apartment sauna for a few days. I went upstairs (which of course is soooo much hotter than downstairs) to wash off the sweat that had been gathering, and it turns out our hotwater heater was busted. Or so we thought. Maintenance Man flipped the breaker and failed to flip it back....but we didn't know that at the time. All we knew was that we could either stand in a freezing shower or a muggy sauna. So that is what we did. We alternated back and forth all night long. Kat slept for 30 min in the cold shower while I slept for 30 min in the hot bedroom. And then we switched. Back and forth. Miserable.


Anonymous said...

A house is made of brick and stone, but a home is made of love alone.

julia said...

sounds like your very own man vs. wild... Did you bite into a live fish, spitting out the guts and eating the "sushi" that was left in your mouth? Man likes to do that kind of thing to wild - pretty much every other episode.

Justin said...


Hey this is Westmo.

Your blog made me re-live the good ole days of Camden Pinehurst and the maintenance man. Is your maintenance man the mexican guy or the creepy guy with the mustache?

I hope your AC unit comes in soon!

Good luck on exams and I'll probably see you in Charlotte this summer for Bebo's class.